Friday 22 January 2010

Kokoro's First Award!

The Kreativ Blogger Award was given to me by Aury at An Ordinary Girl's World.
Thank you so much!

Now I have to write seven things about myself, and then pass the award on to seven other bloggers I admire.

About me:
1. As a child I moved house six times, not including living in my sisters flat and living in a motel, and I've lived in three countries, England, The Philippines and Scotland.

2. Aside from my blog I write anime and manga reviews for Otaku News, Anime UK News and UK Anime Network, and I am currently working on a book about anime and a sci-fi novel for teenagers.

3. I love children and the elderly. They're just more interesting and outspoken than most people, and definetly more intelligent and capable then others tend to think.

4. I adore animals, I wanted to be a vet when I was a child until I realised that you have to put animals to sleep sometimes and that makes people cry. I don't want to upset anyone.

5. I spend an unhealthy amount of time online, most of that time is spent reading blogs, looking at art, researching anything and everything that crosses my mind and talking to people.

6. I have a big extended family but I could never list all the members, we'd be here all day! I'm twenty-one and the youngest of three girls, my sisters are nine and twelve years older than me.

7. I love technology, and I don't understand others aversion to it and why people will cling to old technology. I hope I'm still around when they make affordable androids.

Some of these lovely bloggers have already had this award, but they deserve mentioning anyway.
I would like to pass this award on to:

Flying Saucer
Dressed Up Like A Lady
Color Me Katie
An Ordinary Girl's World
The Streets I Know

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